Rabbi Sa’ar comes from a spiritual linage which emphasize religious activism. Since the 90’s, he had been involved in an array of social, communal, cultural and educational endeavors of spiritual activism. He had worked and volunteered on many grassroots organizations, bringing on his experience in NGO management and a Progressive religious value base spiritual content.

Rabbi Sa’ar is currently involved in the following organizations:

Bleloch House

A unique community hub, training and recreational center, combining heritage and nature at the heart of Johannesburg. William Edwin Bleloch was a leading geologist of the Witwatersrand. House Bleloch was built in 1938 in Cape Dutch revival style, next the Orange Grove Waterfall. The place is operated by SARPA – South African Reservist Police Association. Rabbi Sa’ar partake in the project of  restoration and reintegration Bleloch House into the community fabric.

Johannesburg Heritage Portal

Facebook Page


Rucore is a social enterprise connecting ecology with rural sustainability, operating Tlholego Eco-Village and learning centre. It collaborates globally, inspiring communities through mentorship and investment. Rucore promotes sustainable practices, respecting diversity, and co-creating solutions based on nature’s wisdom and human potential. Their goal is to foster a better quality of life and effective economic, social, and environmental systems by supporting sustainable livelihoods and community development in South Africa.

Rabbi Sa’ar is an impact investor in RUCORE and a member of Tlholego supports community. https://rucore.org.za/

Defend our Democracy movement

The Defend Our Democracy (DOD) movement is a civil society initiative formed in response to global and local threats to democracy and a need for active citizenry, particularly among younger generations. It was launched to address issues related to the quality of democracy, tackling state capture, political destabilization, and electoral reform in South Africa. DOD is committed to promoting civic activism, solidarity, and change by working with a diverse range of South African civil society groups, organized labor, business, faith-based and community organizations, academia, and the media. The movement’s mission is to revitalize and innovate democracy, emphasizing the importance of citizens taking an active role in shaping their country’s future. Rabbi Sa’ar is a member of DOD advisory board. https://defendourdemocracy.co.za/
