A captivating series of study Modules that will take you on a rousing journey through a pivotal period in the history of Jewish culture. Starting with the return from the Babylonian exile in 538 BC and culminating with the signing of the Mishnah in 200 CE, this series explores the formative years when the core tenets of Jewish thought and practice were established, shaping the foundation of Israeli culture, the influence of which is still felt today. Together, we’ll explore into political upheavals, religious exploration, and a culturally rich tapestry woven into a spectacular historical mosaic.

Module 1

The Temple State

Under the patronage of the Persian government, Judea establishes itself as a semi-independent authority. At the helm of this transformation is a new social class known as the scribes. They lead the way in making the worship of the Jerusalem Temple the focal point of religious life during this period. Discover how a web of taxes, offerings, and rituals connects the Israeli farmer with their God through the Temple in Jerusalem.

Module 2

The West appears

Following the fall of the Persian Empire in 333 BC, the Land of Israel becomes enmeshed in the sphere of Western culture, initially Hellenistic and later Roman. This cultural crossroads sparks intellectual ferment, leaving its mark on individuals and society as a whole.

Module 3

The Hasmonean Dynasty

Witness the remarkable journey of a priestly family from a humble village as they lead a successful rebellion against Hellenistic rule, evolving into a controversial royal dynasty within a single generation. For nearly two centuries, their descendants wielded significant political influence in the region, until their tragic demise at the hands of King Herod.

Module 4

Sects and parties of Second Temple era

Amidst religious and social turmoil, diverse interpretations of fundamental Jewish concepts emerge, leading to the formation of distinct groups. The Sadducees align with the circles of the royal court and the Temple, while the Pharisaic party, driven by the sages, gains popularity. In this turbulent landscape, numerous groups with messianic fervor and expectations of an imminent end of days also emerge.

Module 5

Rebellion and Destruction

Two intense waves of violence, the “Great Revolt” (66-70 CE) and the “Bar Kochba Revolt” (132-136 CE), caused a profound ruptures and nearly complete devastation of the land and its inhabitants. Together, we’ll trace the sequence of events, examining the political motives and the social and religious underpinnings of these pivotal moments in history.

Module 6

The Yavneh Path and the Nation’s Restoration

From the ashes of the Temple’s destruction in 70 CE to the signing of the Mishnah in 200 CE, a dynamic group of sages, descendants of the Pharisaic party, spearheads a transformative revolution in Judaism. Witness how they shift the locus of religious life from the Temple and the land to the study of sacred texts, lifestyle, and the synagogue. In this Module, we’ll follow the rise of this leadership and its enduring influence.

Module 7

The emerge of Rabbinic Judaism

In the post-Temple era, the need arises to establish uniform standards for far-flung and diverse Jewish communities. Central academies are founded to interpret and expand religious knowledge, laying the groundwork for the development of Rabbinic Judaism, a legacy that will shape the transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages and beyond.

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